„Please don’t make anybody a priority, for whom you are only an option.“

„No considere a nadie su prioridad, para quien usted sea solo una opción.“

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10.- 15.03.23

Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić
Bright Future Business: How to make yourself
and your company future-proof now

Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte
Science, Complexity, Big Data and Transhumanism

Richard Bolstad
Resilience – protecting your brain (engl.)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Schubert
Best Practice & Science
Psychoneuroimmunology, Resilience & Fractality

Dr. JĂĽrgen Lieske
Smooth Exit Consulting
Dance with the elephant –
organizational resilience in corporate transformation

Konrad Obermeier, Member of the International Life Sciences Faculty
at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder (USA)
14.02. – 02.03.23 Supervision: HUMAN DESIGN
Dez 22/Jan 23 Advanced training: Predictive and prescriptive data analysis SPSS
May 2022 Master of Advanced Studies – General Management
“The potential of reality-building thoughts as key performance indicator in human resources”

University Schaffhausen CH
2020 Successful participation in the “Consistent Golf Summit Masterclass Series”
2019 Opening Vernissage Paintings Frau Mann M.A.
2018 – 2019 Approved Golf Coaching education programme of the Confederation of Professional Golf, European Centre of Excellence, successful completion 02/12/19 with the Golf Psychology Coaching Certificate PGA, European Centre of Excellence
29./30.August 2018 International Congress Alpbach on the topic “World Economy, Politics and Science” with the Flossbach von Storch Research Institute Panel discussion: “Optimist vs. Pessimist”
2017/2018 Certified correspondence course in Criminology (ZFU-II/262):
legal, sociological and empirical Criminology successfully completed in May 2018
2017/2018 Certified further vocational training (The Open University):
Forensic Psychology Witness Investigation (neurobiological research findings) successfully completed in May 2018
2016 Lecture for teachers:
“Promoting Giftedness as a Way of Life” (Elementary schools Bavaria) as well as ”Educational consequences of left-handedness”
February 2016 Press conference of the university of the Balearic Islands (UIB) research group „gravity and relativity“ (astrophysics), Ligo-Project:
Proof of the Einstein-Theory through gravitational waves
05.09.2015 Project Fashion Week Italy: PROGETTO QUID (well-known fashion designers provide fabrics and know-how for the integration of „lost“ women)
03.09.2015 Alpbacher Forum – Congress
Economic Dialogue : „ Equality-Inequality“
„Sufficient investment funds for Europe?“
(Mag. Wilhelm Molterer – Vicepresident of the European Investment Banc – EIB )
„End of the welfare state?“
(Dr. Christoph Matznetter – Member of Parliament for the National Assembly )
„Emotion beats rationality“
(Tiki KĂĽstenmacher – Theologian, cartoonist, beststeller author,
german protestant-lutheran parson)
Dr. Gustav Dressler (General Manager 3 Bancs Generali Investment – GmbH) as host and presenter)
02.09.2015 Alpbacher Forum – Congress
„Integration and Europe“-Discussion
with the Austrian Federal Minister Sebastian Kurz
2015 – today Founding of www.fraumann.eu: Frau Mann Coaching M.A.
For Coaching, Profiling, Mediation, Talent, Vocation, Cognition
1995 – 2015 PrivatPraxis for Intervention of Crisis
Systematically Performance & Stage of life
Promotion of intellectual giftedness & Psychotherapy
Company Coaching & Family-Mediation
International teaching and lecturing (German/English)
Writing activity, author for books and audiobooks
2014 Research Doctoral Thesis
Constructivism in the context of quantum physics
11.11.2013 Donau Universität Krems: Master of Arts
Masterthesis: “Gifted Education”
Titel: Wie wirklich ist Wirklichkeit? – “Stell dir vor es ist Schule, und jeder will hin!”
2012 -2013 Conception and Project for support of the highly talented in Tennis
“Tenis Ses Puntetes” with Carlos Adreani, Mallorca
2011 – 2013 Research Studies in the area of Gifted Education
2006 – 2013 Coaching & Mediation in inland and abroad, coaching for employers
29.08.2012 Employer Audience Alpbach /Employer public discussion
with a personal invitation to
the 12th managementclub breakfast with Mrs Dr. Auma Obama
about the issue: Future of the youth- POOR, RICH EUROPE
22./23.10.2011 5th international Bleep-congress Stuttgart/Germany
“Your thoughts form your reality”
Insight in research of consciousness, quantum physics, neurobiology
and brain-research in combination with spiritual points of view
2011 Tenerife, Mayas and Incas as studies on cultures of the era
2010/2011 Lectures and teaching
Mediation as a redemptive step into a new society
From the medical, psychological, and quantum physics point of view, according to the guidelines of Prof. Hafft and Prof. Gräfin von Schlieffen, and according to the “Free and Energy-linked Movements”
according to Prof. Alfred Evert
24./25.09.2010 IPP (Institute of Practical Psychophysics, Omsk)
Prague/Czech Republic – International Conference
“20 Years of NLS technology: History of Development, Scientific
and Practical Achievements and Prospects of Development”,
quantum physics phenomena in the mind-body-spirit
13.-15.03.2009 Leipzig Book Fair 2009/Germany
Reading – Book Presentation “lieben heiĂźt erkennen”
23.-26.11.2008 University Hospital Sofia/Bulgaria/Zlatanov Co. Ltd.
Scientific studies in the field of quantum physics
29.05. – 01.06.2008 3rd Symposium of DAEMBE-Dresden/Germany
“Man and the Cosmos – The New Medicine of the Quantum”
27.-30.04.2008 IPP (Institute of Practical Psychophysics, Omsk)
Hamburg/Germany – International Seminar
“The Latest Achievements of the NLS-Diagnosis:
Theory and Practice”
2008 Advanced training with Dr. Warnecke
“Quantum Physics and Brain Research”
(Autistics, Savants, highly Talented, sensitive Gifted)
12/2007 Dubai/United Arab Emirates
Scientific studies in the field of quantum physics
Literary activity – book preparation/research
04.-07.10.2007 Intersana 2007 – Augsburg/Germany
Exhibitors and technical lecture at trade fair for
“New Approaches to Information Medicine
and Information Psychology”
28.09.- 01.10.2007 IPP (Institute of Practical Psychophysics, Omsk) – Moscow/Russia
Meeting with Prof. Nesterov and Ms. Nesterova (director IPP)
Scientific studies in the field of quantum physics
Permanent cooperation in research and public
13./14.07.2007 Sonthofen-Blaichach/Germany
Attendance at lecture:
“Information Medicine as a New Way of Medicine”
February 2007 Cairo/Egypt study tour on “Emotional Intelligence”
2006–2011 Collaboration with Dr. Volker Mann MD,
Presence Medicine based on latest research findings
of quantum physics and brain research
2006 – 2010 Teaching in adult education institutes
and private seminaries for autistic children,
emotionally abused and gifted children
Mediation as directions for our society
05/2006 DGEIM Congress
Scientific studies in the field of
quantum physics
Since 2005 Working with the quantum-physics METATRON system
09/2005 Dance Workshop Pfarrkirchen/Germany – Inge Stallwanger
Summer Workshop – Classical Ballet
2004 Instruction and initiation in the “Healing Art of the Shamans”
06/2003 Technical School Schnell (Private Massage School)
Training in Sports Massage and Food Reflexology
Audit Hamburg with “good success” and
Licensed for “sports massage/bodywork/food reflexology”
2003 International Open University, London/England, specialised training
Licensed as a “Lecturer in Applied Ethology”
04.07.2003 International Higher Education Institute in London/England
Registration as a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Ethology
31.12.2002 International Open University, London/England
Study: Animal Psychology in the Department
of Behavioural Psychology
Certificate – successful completion of BA
03/2001 – 07/2003 Open University London/England – Distance Learning
Lecturer in Applied Ethology / Bachelor of Arts
2003 Study tour and coaching in Santa Fe, New Mexico
24./25.11.2001 Certificate of Completion – Three In One Concepts
“Tools of the Trade – Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul”
Authorisation to practice “Applied Kinesiology”
23.11.2000 Gut Ising/Bavaria – Basic badge of equine studies
Bronze riding badge
Permission to “Practice Riding Therapy”
23.11.2000 Gut Ising/Bavaria – German Class IV riding badge
(Small equestrian badge)
1997 Workshop – Mühldorf/Germany
at a support group with autistic children
and gifted children
1997 Appointment as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the FVDP
(Free Association of German Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Psychological Counsellors) – today VFP (Association of Independent Psychotherapists, Natural Healers for Psychotherapy and Counsellors)
04/1996 German Paracelsus Schools – 13th Psychotherapy Symposium
speaker on course 12, 21.04.1996 on the topic:
“And behold, it was good” – the original idea of ​​creation
in the solution-focused short time therapy
1995/1996 German Institute for Rational-Emotive &
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Association e.V. (DIREKT) WĂĽrzburg/Germany
(New York branch, Dr. Albert Ellis) Advanced Course RET
1995/1996 Pierre-Simon Laplace University/Switzerland
Postgraduate psychotherapy
(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and RET)
1995 – 1997 Education Officer and Director
Psychotherapeutic Training, Training and
Supervision in VFP (Association of Independent Psychotherapists,
Natural Healers for Psychotherapy and Counselling Association)
1995 Elaboration of the concept study for introducing
“Psychotherapy postgraduate studies” for
the German Paracelsus Schools with a
focus on solution-oriented short time therapy
in collaboration with Dr. Friedmann
06/1995 State District Office of Dingolfing-Landau/Germany
Grants permission for “practice of medicine” (HPG)
1995 Collaboration in Therapy and Supervision as well as further
Vocational Trainings at DE’IGNIS
Specialist Clinic GmbH for Christian Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Egenhausen-Stuttgart / Germany
1995 Launching: PrivatPraxis for Intervention of Crisis
Systematically Performance & Stage of life
Promotion of intellectual giftedness & Psychotherapy
Company Coaching & Family-Mediation
International teaching and lecturing (German/English)
Writing activity, author for books and audiobooks
1994/1995 University of Regensburg/Germany
Two Semesters Catholic Theology
Since 1994 Lecturer in Group Supervision, Individual Supervision and
seminar leader for the topic:
“Clinical Psychology/Psychopathology/Psychiatry and
Christian Psychotherapy/ Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) and
child and adolescent psychology for sensitive gifted students in the whole
of Germany in the training institutes of the DPS
1994 Dr. Rainer Wallerius M.A. – President of FVDP
Professor at Psychology Department of the University of Jefferson City/USA
125 hours supervision and therapy training,
co-therapist, especially in group therapy settings,
in particular in the fields of classical and cognitive-behavioural therapy
and depth psychology methods
12/1994 DE’IGNIS FGS GmbH Altensteig/Germany
Therapy Workshop
(Christian therapy limits and possibilities,
communication skills, supervision – case studies)
10/1994 German Paracelsus Schools (as lecturer)
Participation in the 10th Psychotherapy Symposium in Karlsruhe/Germany
04/1994 German Paracelsus Schools (as lecturer)
Participation in Psychotherapy Symposium in Dresden/Germany
09/1992 – 07/1994 German Paracelsus Schools
Training psychotherapist/psychological counsellor,
thesis topic: “Christian Psychotherapy”
(successful completion with “very good”
assessment by Prof. Dr. Ahlborn/Prof Weishaupt).
1992 – 1994 Established and supported “Rainbow Butterfly”
children´s group in Munich/Germany
for children with sensitive giftedness
1993 Christian Bible College – AGAPE – Salzburg/Austria
1991 – 1993 University of Salzburg/Austria – Institute for Psychology
(owing to bereavement and children, attended lectures only)
04/1990 – 10/1991 Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg im Breisgau/Germany
Psychology, experimental psychology internship with pre-diploma thesis:
“The Life and Experiences of Autistic / Gifted Children”
(university studies terminated owing to bereavement)
1989 One year practice setting up and working with a psychiatrist in
a psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice in Heidelberg/Germany
1989 – 1990 “Help Group for Expectant Mothers in Need Association“ Freiburg/Germany
Psychology internship with pregnant women with unwanted
pregnancies, children with behavioural problems and
the start of family therapy work (Freiburg/ Germany)
1986 – 1990 Independent Research “Marketing & Promotion”
On the subject of “Real Life Management“
11/1982 – 09/1985 Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg/Germany
Social Sciences/Psychology
04/1976 – 03/1978 Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg im Breisgau/Germany
Law, Social and Economic Science
04/1975 – 03/1976 University of Vienna/Austria
Social Sciences and Law
09/1966 – 02/1975 State High School, Vienna/Austria,
International Baccalaureate (Matura)

Coaching M.A.

Coaching  *  Profiling  *  Mediation
Talent  *  Vocation  *  Cognition

Lecturer Open University London

hpp Claudia Ingrid Mann M.A.
Contact: info@fraumann.eu




2019 Wie wirklich ist Ihre Wirklichkeit? (in Produktion)
2008 lieben heiĂźt erkennen
2002 Wie im HIMMEL
2000 So auf ERDEN
1998 “Werden”
1985 Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten


2016 “Linkshändigkeit oder Rechtshändigkeit
mit gelingendem Blick gelungen verkörpert!”
2014 “Weihnachten im Mutterland”
2014 Ergebnisse der jĂĽngsten Lernforschung am Beispiel “Fremdsprachenerwerb”
2013 Masterarbeit:
“Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit? –
Stell dir vor es ist Schule und jeder will hin!”
2013 “Fremdbestimmt Ăśberleben oder selbstbestimmtes Leben – Was wollen Sie erleben?”
2013 “ADS/ADHS – Eine andere Art die Welt zu sehen!”
2013 “Die Wunderfrage als lösungsorientierter Weg in die Schule der Zukunft”
2013 “Coaching auf Augenhöhe von Angesicht zu Angesicht”
2013 “Wie bitte?” – Kinder sind nicht gestört, unwillig, lernaschwachund unbegabt – Kinder sind ein Geschenk, eine Gabe, begabend und begabt!
2012 “Krise als Chance” – Festhaltetherapie, Reittherapie,
AD(H)S nach Hartmann
2012 “Begabungsförderung als Lebensart”
2010 “Sind Sie wirklich krank – und warum?” (Co-Autoren)
2008 “Von der Informationspsychologie ĂĽber die
Schöpferische Psychotherapie direkt in Ihr LebensglĂĽck!”

CD Privatedition:

2019 “Perspektivenwechsel” – (in Produktion)
2018 “Frauenwahlrecht”

“Was wäre, wenn…”

2013 „Wirklich? Wirklich!“ –
Stell dir vor es gibt Leben, und jeder will es haben!
2013 „Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst und das ist…“- >Livevortrag<
2012 “LEBENSSCHRITTE – Vom Mangel zur Fülle”
2011 “Wer Ohren hat zu hören, der höre!”
2011 „Wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann?“
2009 „Life live“ – Es werde Licht, Es ward Licht, Es ist Licht – wissen Sie das schon?
2007 „… und sie erkannten einander…“
2005 „Lass meine Worte nicht aus deinen Augen weichen“

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